Developed by J.R. Jamison on behalf of Kelsey Timmerman

Part IV Lobster: Product of Nicaragua

Chapter 11:  Life, Death, and Lobster

  1. In the 1970s, the Bahamas prohibited U.S. ships from fishing in their waters.  How has this changed the way of life for modern day Nicaraguans?
  2. How does the pay of lobster divers differ from that of other farmers in EATING?
  3. Red Lobster and Sysco buy a majority of Nicaraguan lobster.  Should companies that purchase Nicaraguan lobster be responsible for providing effective training on safe diving?
  4. Even though there is a hyperbaric chamber available, divers in Nicaragua often aren’t transported back because of the possibility of lost profits.  What is the responsibility of companies like Red Lobster and Sysco in this instance?  If they stopped purchasing these lobsters, would it change anything?
  5. One tenth of what a single diver makes they could have safe equipment, but coupled with fewer dives that means less money.  Would you pay more for a lobster if it meant safer farming for the divers?


Chapter 12:  The Lobster Trap

  1. Cocaine and lobster are the ticket to financial freedom for Nicaraguans.  What has fueled the desire for “white lobster?”
  2.  What options are there for young Nicaraguan farmers other than cocaine and lobster?
  3. Part of the shift to safe diving is a cultural change, though the divers seem resistant to change even when it means their life.  What would you do if you were asked to trouble shoot a solution for the safety of Nicaraguan divers?


Chapter 13:  The Future of Fish

  1. Darden Foods, along with others, has developed the Global Fish Alliance to promote sustainable fisheries.  How is this helping the region?
  2. How are sustainable fisheries damaging the environment?
  3. Fifty percent of our lobster still comes from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Brazil.  Why are these all regions to avoid?
  4. If we avoid purchasing lobster from Nicaragua, Honduras, and Brazil, how will that affect the lives of farmers and divers in those areas?
  5. What are a few ways you are able to make responsible seafood purchases?

Part IV Lobster: Product of Nicaragua – Section Reflection   

Write a 500 word free write on your reflections from Part IV of WHERE AM I EATING? using the following statements as prompts.

  1. Push for profit.
  2. Poor training.
  3. People are dying, do companies, or the people themselves, even care?
  4. White lobster; Red Lobster.
  5. Sustainable; no solutions.